Monday, April 6, 2009

Things I've Learned so Far...

Random Facts I’ve learned so far:

1. Cross the streets at your own risk.

2. Driving in a car is risking your life – lines on the road are guidelines for driving – no one really uses them as actual “lines” to keep the directions separate

3. No such thing as turn signals, only honking.

4. Thais have masks on their face like SARS is going around.

5. It is motorcycle nation here…people behind the driver don’t ever hold on and some girls even side saddle that thing while going 50 mph. The most people I’ve seen on a motorcycle? 5. Ridiculous.

6. Thais don’t seem to get smog checks, hence the nasty smoggy-air I breathe in everyday.

7. Some stores won’t let you try on clothing because Americans are too “fat” (yup – I asked if they had anything equivalent to a size 25 pant in America and the girl was like “Ooooh no, not even close…you need stretchy pants and stretchy shirts.” I barely fit an XL here. She wouldn’t let my friend Annie try on a dress because here boobs were too big, and she even called her fat. Annie is as small as me. Dumb bitch. Sorry for the swearing mom).

8. Don’t go out around dusk unless you want to be eaten alive by mosquitoes

9. Sung-tao drivers will always say “Yes, I know where that is” when they have no idea what or where we want to go. They either drive a little and then stop and ask to see the map, drive in circles, or stop at a gas station to ask another person where a place is.

10. At markets, never settle for the first price – always bargain down.

11. Ladies will chase you down the strip if you begin bargaining with them on something and then decide you don’t want that item anymore.

12. 7-11 is always air conditioned and has dim-sum that’s actually not bad (once again, ridiculous).

13. Don’t buy any lotions – they all have whitening in them.

14. Don’t give in to the little kids who walk around trying to sell flowers – they know how to make those sad faces (well trained I must say!)

15. Dogs are running everywhere in the streets.

16. Thais can drink like big fat Irish men, no matter how small they are.

17. Code red = old white man and young Thai wife. (Seen often.)

18. Code blue = cute foreigner (Very rare).

19. Lots of “lady-men” (men gone woman!)…

20. They have weird meat-cheese balls on the crust of their pizzas.

1 comment:

  1. hey steph ... love your blog! i miss you even MORE now that you aren't in california anymore, even though i wouldn't have seen you either way! but i will this SUMMER can't wait! (you'll be home, yes?)
