Monday, April 13, 2009

Things you don't do everyday....

Things you don’t do Everyday:

Bamboo Rafting:

We first went bamboo rafting the next day after the Hill Tribes. There were four to a raft and I was with Alicia, Dana, and Jana. We didn’t realize we’d actually be sitting in the water (we thought the bamboo was like, a legit raft) but the water definitely seeps through. We were all wearing our bathing suites underneath our clothes and thankfully I was wearing flip-flops, but poor Alicia and Dana had their socks and running shoes on. Anyway, down the river we went. It was calm and nice; our guy stood up on the bamboo raft and he directed us by pushing on the rocks with a bamboo stick. There were times the water was so shallow basically we’d be pushing ourselves over the rocks, but it was a nice little butt massage haha. There were times when he’d say “CROCODILE!” and hit the stick in the water and splash us…pretty funny. On the land around us there were elephants and people. It reminded me of being in Pirates of the Caribbean and also the jungle cruise.

Of course, there were raft wars. There were always little Thai children somewhere ready to splash us. They’d come close and start throwing water on us, and we’d throw back. One little girl had a freakin’ monkey (I want one) and it was clinging on to her as she splashed us. It was pretty funny, anytime Thai children attacked I’d always start screaming “SA WA TI KHA!” (means hello in Thai) over and over again as I splashed them…it was just funny because I kept yelling “hello” at them, but in an angry voice…never mind, you have to be there. ANYWAY, we also splashed water with other rafts we’d pass by (like the other Poly rafts). Our guy let me steer and he jumped off and tried to flip over the other raft some other girls were on…sucks for them. It was crazy – some of the rafts were steered by kids no older than 10. (Some of the girls and guys from Poly would help steer in the back in that case.) We finally got to a point where you can just swim and jump off rocks. The cliffs weren’t that huge and the water would be really shallow and then all of a sudden really deep, so it was kind-of sketchy at first, but after awhile it was fun. It felt good to jump and swim in water when it was so hot.

After awhile we got back on our bamboo rafts and headed to the end, going to some elephant riding!

Elephant Riding:

Surprisingly, I liked the bamboo rafting a lot better than elephant riding. I think it was because I was super exhausted and on the elephants it was just hot, smelly, and we still had all our wet clothes on. I mean, I still LOVED riding don't ride elephants everyday!! I went on an elephant with my friends Dana and Lexie. It was fun with them. When we were getting on them the guy told me to get on the neck! I was SO excited. I sat on it's neck, Dana and Lexie got in the carriage thing behind me, and the little Thai dude sat on its head. Wow, it was hard. I felt like we were squishing it but I guess we humans weigh nothing to elephants...It's ears kept hitting my legs and I had shorts on so I could feel it's tough skin on them (haha). It was kind of hard...I had NOTHING to hold on to because the guy was right in front of me and i was gripping with my inner thighs and gripping with my toes so my flip flops wouldn't fall off was complicated (I was soar the next day!). After awhile (like halfway through) Lexie and i switched places so she sat on the neck and I was in the carriage thing with Dana.

I felt bad, none of us had money so we couldn't buy bananas or candy cane for our elephant. It was annoying, he kept stopping every three steps and putting his truck up for us to feed him but we didn't have anything!! We finally called our friend Nick ahead and asked him to buy us bananas and thank god he did. We felt good to finally feed our elephant but now he was stopping every 1 step and putting his trunk up for food. We were running out pretty fast and then we kept saying no not yet and the elephant wouldn't move and the guy smacked his trunk with a stick and the elephant started growling and and stomping a should have seen Dana, Lexie, and my face....thinking about it now I'm laughing but at the time we were scared shitless (I DID NOT WANT TO BE THROWN OFF....those things are HUGE). We were so scared...hahaha He started moving and then after a few steps (of course) he stopped and he put his trunk up and i was like JUST GIVE HIM A BANANA JUST GIVE HIM ONE!! and Dana and Lexie and I started laughing....I guess you had to be there....but yeah, it was fun :]

Flight of the Gibbons:

Flight of the gibbons was zip lining through the jungle. (A gibbon is a monkey if you didn't know...). We left at 7 in the morning and drove 2 hours up into the jungle. Zip lining through the trees was so fun! There were short lines were you could see the other side but some of the lines were super long and you couldn't see because there were branches in the way. There were other lines that just went straight down so you were basically free falling...One time I didn't put my feet down on the platform when I got across the line and i fell back and went back the other way and got stuck in the middle of the zip line. The guy had to come out and get me...I felt bad because he was huffing and puffing but then I realized at the end he was joking. Not funny. I am not a fat American!

We had three Thai guys: Leo (Leo Jr., after the beer), Dundie, & Dino. They were funny -- they made jokes like I asked before he pushed me down a zipline "How long have you been doing this?" and he responded "first day!" and pushed me haha. I noticed that Thais like to joke A LOT. One brought speakers so when we were waiting up on the bamboo platforms for the other groups to finish a course we listened to some rap music. It was fun, but after awhile I got kind of tired of it. There was a lot of waiting since there were 9 of us on our group so one person would have like 30 seconds of fun and then it was over till the next line.

After 3 hours of zip line we got one of the best tasting meals I've had in Thailand (veggies, chicken curry, rice...). I don't know why but it tasted AMAZING.

We saw a waterfall, and then our day was done (there). It was a good time :]

Me stuck on the zipline.


Our group!

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